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If you’re not making an impact, you’re not leading.


The essential function of a leader is to get things done through the coordinated efforts of others – and people are more likely to follow a leader who they perceive as powerful. The challenge is to determine what contributes to the perception of power.


Adams Learning develops impactful leaders by raising their awareness of their environments and themselves, so they can leverage their power and drive the change necessary for success.

Leadership Development Products

Leadership In Practice™

Leadership can be explained as the relationship between two components – the environment and the self.


Leaders learn how to raise awareness, take responsibility, exercise adaptability, and demonstrate influence by listening to and acting upon their environment. This comprehensive approach to leadership development affects real and lasting change by combining goal setting with ongoing training, measurement, feedback, and coaching.


Methodologies: Assessment, action planning, training, coaching, feedback, and measurement


Duration: 8 to 12 months



"During the summer of 2015, the library noted a poorer than anticipated result in our employee satisfaction survey among a key work group. We brought in Adams Learning, Incorporated to help us isolate issues and work on resolutions. J.B. spent time with both staff and managers to identify issues and create improvement plans. We are most happy to report that one year later our employee satisfaction results are greatly improved. Clearly we are pleased with these measurable results – so pleased, in fact, that we have engaged Adams Learning to work with a group of managers who are being prepared to take on executive roles in the future.”

Debbie Moss
Assistant Director
Orange County Library System

The Presence of a Leader™

You can clarify the change you intend to create by taking the time to examine yourself and your environment – and by learning and sharing with other leaders. This in-depth, personalized experience invites leaders to observe the attributes of presence firsthand, and to decide how to further develop their own power to change.


Methodologies: Experiential learning activities, FIRO Business Assessment, pair and small group discussions, individual application, and facilitator-led interactive presentation


Duration: 2 days


Product Description

"J.B. delivered The Presence of a Leader™ at the 2016 KASBO Leadership Institute and the program exceeded our expectations.  Our time together was engaging, thought-provoking, and self-illuminating.  Participants left with a greater understanding of themselves as leaders and were empowered to use their enhanced awareness in their respective work settings.”

Todd O'Banion

Executive Director

Kentucky Association of School Business Officials

"During the three days I spent with J.B. Adams and many of my fellow finance officers, I found a renewed inspiration.  I left with ideas on how to improve my teams, both within my department and within my district.  All of those improvements started with me learning more about myself and how I fit into those teams.  The leadership program, since its beginning, has helped me become more aware of myself and how my strengths can be emphasized and my weaknesses improved.  This is a class for all people who are or want to be leaders in our field.  Training sessions like this remind me that a leader and a manager are not always the same.”

Julie D. Huff, SCFO, SCFM

Director of Financne/Treasurer

Paducah Independent Schools

Prescence: The Perception of Power™

Leaders are powerful not only by virtue of their title and authority, but also through their personal presence. A perfect option for retreats, conferences, and conventions, this interactive presentation introduces attendees to Adams Learning’s approach to leadership.  


Methodology: Interactive presentation


Duration: 1.5 hours



© 2016 Adams Learning, Inc.

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