You can either act on change, or have it act on you. Resisting and reacting are not strategies for success; to thrive, you need to lead.
Effective leaders anticipate change, see it coming, and take steps to adapt. The challenge is to prepare your team to perform in new circumstances; you can’t wait to act and risk falling behind. Adams Learning embraces a philosophy of continuous learning, and helps your cutting edge organization do so as well.
The mission of Adams Learning is to help leaders and organizations raise their awareness of their environments and themselves, so they can take responsibility, enhance effectiveness, and push performance to the next level.
At Adams Learning, creating a learning experience begins by asking three key questions.

​​WHO: Who are the partcipants?
We work to understand the who the participants are by identifying what they have in common, as well as how they differ. By establishing the participants' needs, we ensure those needs are met.

WHAT: What do they need to learn?
The content is the message you want to communicate to participants, to help them gain knowledge, develop skill, or enhance performance.

​​HOW: How should they learn it?
The delivery methods you select determine how well the content is communicated to the participants. Delivery methods can include e-learning, classroom training, job aids, books, classroom activites, or presentations.
To ensure that each learning experience is as valuable and effective as possible, Adams Learning adheres to six important standards.
Content Standards

The content applies to the participants' situations and adds value for them.
The content is easy for participants to understand and to use.
The content is based on reliable sources, and is without design flaws or logical errors.
Delivery Standards

The delivery actively involves participants, and provides a response for their participation.
The delivery gives participants what they need when they need it, and doesn't waste time.
The delivery appeals to multiple learning styles: visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic.